Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 3

This morning was much better than yesterday's.  Radiation first thing in the morning then Scott went to work.  I had to force him to try and eat breakfast, he said he didn't have an appetite.   His stomach is still upset (not as bad as yesterday) but he doesn't want to take his anti-nausea meds.  He wants to work as long as possible and  (Zofran 8mg) causes drowsiness.  It's so important for Head & Neck cancer patients to eat on their own to keep up their weight as long as possible.  He will probably go to an all liquid diet through his feeding tube with-in 2-3 weeks, which undoubtedly will cause a drop in weight.  Prior and after Chemo infusion, hydration plays a critical role.  If you want to feel better, you MUST drink lots of water to flush the Chemo's by-products from your system. 

Today's symptoms:

slight nausea
low appetite
inside of throat feels slightly sun burnt
a little tired...felt "dopey"
slight headache...Tylenol helped

I can already tell that I'm going to have to find another backdrop wall.  He'll start to fade into this one with each continuing radiation treatment.

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