Friday, February 24, 2012

Done! Day 59

The Honey Badger, when happy known to bust into funky groove moves.

They sent Scott home with his radiation mask...We're not sure what to do with it,  I say we add antlers and hang it above the fireplace.  Open for suggests...What is the best use of a used radiation mask???

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 58...and still going

Good news, the last Radiation will be on Friday.  Three more to go!  From there they'll wait 4-6 weeks to do another CT scan and then 3 months before another full body PET scan.  Scott will remain "all hooked up"(PICC line in place) until after the CT scan.  If all looks good after the CT scan and they determine that no more Chemo or Radiation is needed, then they will remove his PICC line.  His feeding tube will remain in place until he can start eating by mouth again and maintain his weight...that may take 2-6 months. 

Nothing can keep the Honey Badger down....nope, not hundreds of bee stings or cobra venom coursing through his know why?  Cause he's bad ass!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 54

Last Thursday was not the end of radiation as we had hoped for.  We hope to get an end date tomorrow.  I guess to avoid surgery on his neck, the radiation treatments are now focusing in on the lymph node.  I'm not sure if this is standard practice (probably) or if they saw something on his x-ray last week.

Today seemed to be a really good day for Scott.  I actually saw him smile a couple times.  He has been up out of bed twice today for about an hour each time.


Day 54

                   Sportin a nice bowl cut....line of radiation treatment

He can now open his mouth beyond a little crack.

Sores popping up all over his body.

Infection seems much better

Very dry skin, sores around nail bed due to chemo are common

Skin is sensitive ..sores from where anti nausea patch was...he has a matching one on the other side.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 48

This past weekend was pretty rough.  Scott has dropped another 5lbs.  Today the Dr. told him if he wants to prevent being hospitalized then he needs to keep his liquids and nutrition up.  A new round of medications have been prescribed.  A new pain med, an anti indigestion med and an antibiotic (he may have an infected left cheek).  In the past 30 years, I've only seen Scott tear up at the loss of our infant son Demetri.  Over the weekend, he was brought to tears several times.  I'm sure the pain meds combined with the over all discomfort and loss of control is the cause.  It's not uncommon for cancer patients to experience a bout of depression.  The end of this is so close, although the Dr. did mention today that Scott may have more radiation treatments then the 35 we were hoping for....we should find out tomorrow.

Click on Picture for Close Up View

Day 46
Day 2
Day 46 ...down almost 25lbs

Red area close to Jawline might be Infected

Thursday, February 9, 2012

No it's not Darth Vader......It's Scott trying to breath.  Sorry for the sideways video, I don't know how to correct it. 

Helpful hints for Head & Neck Cancer Patients

You undoubtedly with develop a faucet nose.  As time goes on, all mucus membranes will start to dry out even though you have a constant steam from your nose. The stream will dry inside your nostrils causing a blockage.  Take a WET anti-bacterial q-tip and swab out the passage way several times a day.  Purchase a facial steamer to help loosen the thick mucous.  (Walgreens)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 43

7 Chemo Treatments (DONE!)
29 Radiation Treatments (6 more)

The past few weeks have been a mixture of emotions for us.  We've been deeply touched and blown away by our family and friends generosity and love. I just want to publicly say to all our family and friends...Thank you, you have truly touched our hearts and we are grateful to you.
We've also been immensely sadden by the passing of the CEO of MICRON, the company my husband works for.  He is a husband, father and son and my heart is filled with sorrow for his family.  I am shamed by the fear I expressed in my previous post.  I should be counting all our blessings and not living in fear but rather in gratefulness.  Despite his current struggles, Scott  is here and alive and for this I am truly thankful.

Scott rang his Chemo bell today!

Last Chemo Infusion

SCOPOLAMINE Patch for Nausea

Total pounds lost....20

This past week has also been physically rough on Scott.  He is producing a very thick mucous that feels suffocating.  He sleeps sitting up so he doesn't choke.  It often causes him to gag and then vomit, which is excruciating on a "raw" throat and mouth.  

Because he is no longer producing saliva, the bacteria in his mouth has gone rampant and formed into a bad case of thrush.  The medication to help clear the thrush interacts with his Fentanyl patch (pain med) by releasing larger increments.  He doesn't like to feel "high" so he has removed his patch and thus is miserable.

As the Dr. warned us in the beginning..."this treatment is like going to hell and back"...Scott can now feel Hatties Inferno and wants as far away from the heat as possible.

He now spends all day in bed except to go to Dr. appointments.
He is so close to being done with this and there really is light at the end of that tunnel.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Radiation of Head and Neck

A Typical Day of Radiation

Mouth Guards to Protect The Teeth and Reflect the Radiation Beams

Placement of Kevlar Mask

Bolted Down

Alignment...Mucho Importano

Chest Tattoo and Bulls-eye Alignment

Machine Rotates around Scott's Head

Beam Me Up...Scotty

At Nurses Station

 Screens Showing Treatment