Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 54

Last Thursday was not the end of radiation as we had hoped for.  We hope to get an end date tomorrow.  I guess to avoid surgery on his neck, the radiation treatments are now focusing in on the lymph node.  I'm not sure if this is standard practice (probably) or if they saw something on his x-ray last week.

Today seemed to be a really good day for Scott.  I actually saw him smile a couple times.  He has been up out of bed twice today for about an hour each time.


Day 54

                   Sportin a nice bowl cut....line of radiation treatment

He can now open his mouth beyond a little crack.

Sores popping up all over his body.

Infection seems much better

Very dry skin, sores around nail bed due to chemo are common

Skin is sensitive ..sores from where anti nausea patch was...he has a matching one on the other side.

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