Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 15

       Rash covering back

Day 14 after Radiation

Day 14 not feeling well

Day 15 Rash Cluster on each side of nose

Day 15 Chemo #3
Still bruising from PICC Line in arm

 Day 15 almost crossed off

 10 Radiation Treatments
3 Chemo Treatments

I'm not sure if Scott will be going back to work at this point.  He feels "bad" pretty much all the time now.  We'll see what way the wind blows tomorrow.  

Today's Symptoms:

Very Fatigued...basically laying down most of the time.
Slight Nausea
Throat is becoming sore..wants only soft foods "if he eats"
Dry Mouth...Food continues to taste terrible
Runny nose with more nose bleeds
Larger mouth sores on left inside mouth cheek
Noticeable Changes:

Rash is more apparent..clustering pustules with some bleeding and scabbing over
Skin on face and neck blotchier
Left side of mouth cheek seemed swollen after radiation
Honey Badger Grouchy-itis 

Activity Level:

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