Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 9 & 10

This is the Honey Badger, watch it run in slow motion.  It's pretty bad ass.  Oh my gosh the Honey Badger is just Craazzy!        (just in-case you're Crazy Honey Badger narration by Randall)

Maybe Scott is right, he is the Honey Badger.  The day after chemo he was back up at 6am and getting ready for radiation and then work. I can only hope this will last!  Although the plan for tonight is to go through the medical bills, so this may cause an aneurysm.

Day 10

7 Radiation Treatments
2 Chemo Treatments

Today's Symptoms:

Dry Mouth (sticky)
Water tastes horrible (mix 1/4 Gatorade & 3/4 water to help with taste)
Low appetite
Constant sore throat (slight)

Noticeable Changes:

Activity Level:
better with each day after chemo, but still fatigued

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