Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 7

4 Radiation treatments crossed off the calendar. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were treatment Holidays...yay  It gave Scott a chance to re-coup from the initial chemo load.  Apparently the first chemo dose is much higher than subsequent ones. Tomorrow's dose will be about 2/3 of last weeks.  This was awesome news to hear and gives us hope that after the next round I won't be hovering over him at 2:30 am poking the thermometer in his ear every 5 min. for an hour straight! Poor guy.

Today's symptoms:

bit more energy
appetite slightly up

Noticeable changes:

beginnings of the rash starting (very slight, small blemish looking around nose and chin)
coffee tastes like gym socks smell
Sun kissed appearance

Did I mention previously about the rash we are so looking forward to?  Not!  Anyways, the type of chemo Scott is on causes a teenage acne type of rash possibly all over his body. He is not looking forward to repeating puberty! Again..poor guy.

To help prevent the nausea from chemo treatments, Scott will take an anti nausea pill tonight, first thing in the am and again when we get home after infusion tomorrow. 

Activity Level:

Saturday: Very lazy day
Sunday: Still lazy with a bit more energy (we took a walk which helped tremendously)
Monday: Back at work,  a lot more energy
Tuesday: Back at work feeling really good

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